Med inspiration från gentlemannatjuven Arsène Lupin börjar Assane Diop planera sin hämnd på den rika familjen som begick en stor oförrätt mot hans pappa. –Netflix
Lupin är inspirerad av karaktären från boken Arsene Lupin, Gentleman-Thief, boken är skriven av Maurice Leblanc, serien har premiär på Netflix den 8 januari.
When retired Los Angeles businessman Neil Bremer decides to run for mayor of his beloved city, he surprises everyone and wins the seat. With great ideas and commitment to the community, he optimistically sets out to get to work shaking up City Hall. However, he quickly discovers navigating politics is not business as usual. There are opinions to be heard, ribbons to be cut and foods to be eaten — all in support of his fellow citizens. Luckily, he can rely on the know-how of his political-veteran deputy Arpi — whose savvy and ambition make her equal parts friend and foil — and the dedication of his offbeat staff to keep him on the right path, as well as some inspiration from his teenage daughter. –
A first-look tease of the series was included as an end tag on the Peacock stream of ”30 Rock: A One-Time Special” uploaded on July 16, 2020. –Wikipedia
Coyote is the story of Ben Clemens, played by Michael Chiklis, who after 32 years as a border patrol agent, is forced to work for the very people he spent his career trying to keep out of America. Now exposed to life on the other side of the wall, Ben will start to question his black and white views of the world, challenging his ideology and his loyalties. –
Coyote kommer bestå av 6 avsnitt och har sin premiär den 7 januari på CBS All Access
We’ve seen Nathan Fillion’s character already be put in a position where he was framed by Armstrong, but is there a way for him to get out of this position? Can he rely on those close to him? […] not only does he have to save himself, but he also has to find a way to make sure that Armstrong pays the price for some of his own actions. That’s no easy thing to pull off, but we’ll see exactly what happens soon. –
“Consequences” – Nearing the end of his training, Nolan now faces his biggest challenge as a police officer yet when he must come to terms with the choices he has made in pursuit of the truth on the season premiere of “The Rookie,” SUNDAY, JAN. 3 (10:00-11:00 p.m. EST), on ABC.
Säsong 3 av The Rookie har premiär på ABC den 3 januari.
Based on the characters from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, A group of misfit cops rise up from decades of helplessness to save their corrupt city from catastrophe. –
The Watch med premiär den 3 januari på BBC America är baserad på boken Ankh-Morpork City Watch av Terry Pratchett. Ni kan läsa mer här!
The third season also finds everyone reeling from the aftermath of the violent brawl between dojos, which left Miguel (Xolo Mariduena) in a coma. The stakes in its upcoming season have never been higher, with, as the streamer puts it, the soul of the Valley at stake, and the fate of every student and sensei hanging in the balance. The day after the season streams, the cast of “Cobra Kai” will appear on “The Netflix Afterparty” to talk about the latest season of their martial arts comedy alongside hosts David Spade, Fortune Feimster and London Hughes. –
Säsong 3 av Cobra Kai har premiär på Netflix den 1a januari, premiären skulle egentligen ha ägt rum den 8e januari men Netflix har valt att släppa säsongen en vecka tidigare.
En av kandidaterna till Nobels fredspris blir brutalt knivmördad i centrala Stockholm, efter att precis ha lagt fram bevis om krigsbrott. Beck-gruppen misstänker att det rör sig om ett politiskt mord men utredningen kompliceras av att Alex har en nära relation med ett huvudvittne. Dessutom pressas de av Klas Fredén att lösa fallet innan SÄPO tar över. –
En mästerskapstitel står på spel när Chayse och hennes gymnaster vänder sig till en lokal breakdansare för att få ett övertag på konkurrenterna.- Netflix
Full Out 2: You Got This! som är baserad på verkliga händelser har premiär på Netflix den 31 december.
20 år efter att Astrid sett en buss full av skolelever försvinna stöter hon på en man hon känner igen som ett av offren, och hon börjar genast utreda fallet. -Netflix
Equinox är baserad på podcasten ”Equinox 1985” och kommer bestå av 6 avsnitt med premiär på Netflix den 30 december.
If you thought The Masked Singer—on which celebs dressed in costumes sing, and judges have to guess their identity—is wild, wait until you get a load of The Masked Dancer. It’s the same premise…but dancing.