Lupin, Ny säsong!

When we last saw Assane, we thought he trying to take a turn for the better but the last episode of part one proved us wrong. From the first teaser trailer, Assane will be back to rescue his son, Raoul who has been kidnapped. He warns Leonard, ”If you touch my son, I’ll kill you”. He will continue his quest for revenge against Hubert Pelligrini, who has torn his family to pieces. In the teaser released earlier, Hubert also says that they’ll be using Raoul as bait to lure in Assane. But with Assane’s back against the wall, he has to think of a new plan. This new plan might be to ”disappear” as the whole of France is looking for him. Or it might be that he’s going to pull of yet another ”heist” as seen when he’s disguising himself in a suit and bowtie for a Pelligrini event. –

Säsong/part 2 av Lupin har premiär på Netflix den 11 juni.

Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. & Chicago Med till Viaplay!

Chicago Fire Säsong 8

In the season 8 premiere, the mattress factory fire spirals out of control. Truck and squad lay it on the line in hopes of getting the trapped victims out alive. –

Chicago P.D. Säsong 7

Following Kelton’s murder, Voight is the prime suspect. The Intelligence unit digs deeper into the investigation however, Voight demands the team to stand down and tries to handle it by himself. This is until Halstead finds out that Voight knew who the true suspect was in Kelton’s murder. Meanwhile, Ruzek posts bail from prison. Also, Dawson goes missing. Later, Voight reveals that Dawson has gone into a rehab facility. (säsong 7 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia

Chicago Med Säsong 5

Following the car accident, Dr. Manning suffers a traumatic head injury and Dr. Halstead blames himself. Trauma surgeon Dr. Crockett Marcel and Dr. Halstead are suspicious of Phillip when he claims he and Natalie are engaged and tries to order Dr. Halstead away from her care and life. Dr. Rhodes believes Dr. Bekker caused his father’s death, but the administration seems to suspect Dr. Rhodes. When they learn the insulin overdose contains traceable amounts of chromium, Dr. Bekker takes her own life. Meanwhile, Dr. Choi and April deal with a pregnancy scare while treating a young patient who may be going blind and Maggie confronts her cancer diagnosis. Dr. Charles cuts his honeymoon short to treat a patient with potential schizophrenia. Unable to get over what happened, Dr. Rhodes resigns and leaves Chicago after saying goodbye to Goodwin and Dr. Latham—who admits he’s accepted Dr. Rhodes as a friend. (säsong 5 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia

Den 9 juni drar nya säsonger av Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. & Chicago Med igång på Viaplay.

Max Anger – With one eye open, Ny premiär!

Max Anger är den före detta elitsoldaten som hittat kärleken i den ryska kollegan Pashie. När Pashie nu plötsligt försvinner spårlöst i Sankt Petersburg ger sig Max genast iväg för att hitta henne. -Viaplay

Max Anger – With one eye open har premiär på Viaplay den 6 juni. Serien är baseras på boken Be inte om nåd vilket är den första boken i Martin Österdahls trilogi om Max Anger. De övriga två böckerna heter Tio svenskar måste dö och järnänglar.

Gabby Duran & the Unsittables, Ny säsong!

In season two, a resourceful and courageous Gabby faces even bigger challenges as she continues to protect her alien charges while also navigating the everyday emotional rollercoaster of middle school. –

Säsong 2 av Gabby Duran & the Unsittables (Sve: Gabby Duran & de omöjliga) har premiär på Disney+ den 4 juni. Serien är baserad på bokserien med samma namn av Elise Allen och Daryle Conners.