Follows the story of Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee’s relationship, going back to their whirlwind romance that started with them marrying after only knowing each other for 96 hours in 1995. –Imdb
Miniserien Pam & Tommy har premiär på Disney+Star den 2 februari.
Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Lenz & Hilarie Burton hade alla en huvudkaraktär i serien One Tree Hill som sändes mellan 2003-2012. Efter seriens slut förblev de goda vänner och under 2021 startade de podcasten Drama Queens som handlar om just OTH.
Skådisarna får nu ännu en liten OTH-reunion när Bethany Joy Lenz och Hilarie Burton kommer att göra ett gästframträdande i Sophias nya serie Good Sam.
Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz will appear in an upcoming episode of Bush’s new CBS medical drama Good Sam. The pair will portray sisters Gretchen and Amy Taylor, respectively, who cross paths with Dr. Sam Griffith (Bush) when Amy is admitted as a patient at Detroit’s Lakeshore Sentinel Hospital.
The network will release airdate info and further details about their roles at a later date, but a photo of Bush, Burton and Lenz together on set in Toronto can be seen above.
Han låtsades leva ett glamouröst liv som diamantmogul och lurade kvinnor han träffat över internet på miljontals dollar. Nu planerar några av hans offer att ge igen. -Netflix
Dokumentärfilmen The Tinder Swindler (Sve: Tindersvindlaren) har premiär på Netflix den 2 februari.
“Season 2 follows Dion as he continues honing his powers with the support of his mom and Tevin (Rome Flynn), his Biona trainer who catches Nicole’s eye. After befriending new student Brayden (Griffin Robert Faulkner) – a fellow powered kid – a series of alarming events unfold, and Dion learns that danger is still looming. Navigating twists, turns, and surprise visitors, Dion and Nicole must prevail again — not just to save themselves, but the entire city of Atlanta.” –
It is based on the 2015 comic book and short film of the same name by Dennis Liu.
Bygger på den verkliga vänskapen mellan Anne Frank och Hannah Goslar – från nazistockuperade Amsterdam till det fruktansvärda återseendet i ett koncentrationsläger. -Netflix
A revealing four-part documentary series from writer/director W. Kamau Bell offering a deeply personal exploration of Bill Cosby’s descent from “America’s Dad” to alleged sexual predator. Exploring the complex story of Cosby’s life and work, Bell invites comedians, educators, journalists and Cosby survivors to have a refreshingly candid, first of its kind conversation about the man, his career and his crimes. Bell takes an unfiltered look at his legacy and the unexpected ramifications for an industry that enabled him. –
Dokumentärserien We Need to Talk About Cosby har premiär på Showtime den 30 januari.
Ida studerar vid universitetet i Oslo där hon ständigt oroar sig för eventuella terrorattacker. När hon träffar ensamvargen Aksel, inser hon snart att han planerar en skolskjutning. Nu måste Ida ta ansvar. -Viaplay
Ida tar ansvar är baserad på boken med samma namn av Kjersti Halvorsen och har premiär på Viaplay den 30 januari.
Suspended NFL coach Sean Payton hopes to reconnect with his son by coaching his hapless youth football team in this family comedy based on a true story. -Netflix
Home Team is an upcoming American sports comedy film directed by Charles and Daniel Kinnane and written by Chris Titone and Keith Blum. Inspired by actual events, the film stars Kevin James as New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton, who, following his suspension from the NFL, coaches his 12-year-old son’s football team.
Följ med Georgina Rodríguez — mamma, influencer, affärskvinna och Cristiano Ronaldos partner — i denna känslosamma och intima skildring av hennes vardagsliv. -Netflix
Realityserien Soy Georgina (Eng: I am Georgina) har premiär på Netflix den 27 januari