At the end of “Snowpiercer” season two, Layton (Daveed Diggs) and Ruth (Alison Wright), who were banished to Big Alice’s compost car, plotted to take back Snowpiercer. With the help of Javier (Roberto Urbina) and Alexandra (Rowan Blanchard), Layton and Ruth made it back to Snowpiercer and rallied with their supporters. Josie (Katie McGuiness) destroyed the Aquarium car, separating Snowpiercer’s head from the remaining 1,023 cars. Season three picks up with Layton and his inner circle commanding a small 10 car “pirate train” in search of Melanie and a possible warm location to restart civilization; while back on Snowpiercer, Mr. Wilford is consolidating power, awaiting Layton’s return. –
Snowpiercer is an American post-apocalyptic dystopian thriller television drama series that premiered on TNT on May 17, 2020. It is based on both the 2013 film of the same name, directed by Bong Joon-ho and the 1982 French graphic novel Le Transperceneige by Jacques Lob, Benjamin Legrand and Jean-Marc Rochette, from which the film was adapted.
As Mike Prince takes his place on the Axe Capital throne, he’s determined to change the game — and new money means no mercy. Meanwhile, Chuck Rhoades is convinced no one should have that much wealth or that much power. With Prince firmly in Chuck’s crosshairs, forces will be rallied and scores will be settled. And as all the players seek out new alliances, only one thing’s for certain … wealth means wars. –
Säsong 6 av Billions har premiär på Showtime den 23 januari.
Säsongerna 1-5 finns att se på Viaplay, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 6 kommer att visas där.
From the Part 1 trailer, we know that Ozark 4 picks up from where the third season left off – with Marty and Wendy about to enter Navarro’s Mexico residence after getting what is quite frankly the shock of their lives. The cartel boss sends them back to Missouri with a message for Darlene, warning her not to revive her heroin business. The drug boss appears to want to walk away from the business and cut a deal with the FBI and the Byrdes’ son delves into more criminality as he begins money laundering. –
Säsong 4 av Ozark, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista, har premiär på Netflix den 21 januari.
Servant follows the story of a wealthy Philadelphia couple, Dorothy and Sean Turner, who experience a fracture in their marriage after the death of their thirteen-week-old son, Jericho. The couple undergoes transitory object therapy using a lifelike reborn doll after Dorothy experiences a full psychotic break. Dorothy believes that the doll is the real Jericho (it is the only thing that brought her out of a catatonic state), and hires a maid named Leanne, who has secret occult powers. However, Leanne’s ties to a cult known as the Church of Lesser Saints threaten the existence of the Turners, and the more Leanne tries to protect herself, the more chaos she causes for the family. Servant Season 3 picks up amidst the looming threat of the cult and as Dorothy tells Sean in the trailer, ”This cult could come back for her at any time.” Things are even scarier than they seem, as Leanne explains that the Turners cannot keep protecting her forever, and that “You wouldn’t even know what to look for.” The official description explains, ”As Sean starts trusting in Leanne’s power, Dorothy feels increasingly threatened and worries for Jericho’s safety. While the Turners struggle to keep their family whole, they must come to terms with the costs of Jericho’s return.” –
In December 2021, ahead of the third season premiere, the series was renewed for a fourth and final season.
Några unga vuxna som jobbar på en paradisliknande semesterö upplever en oförglömlig sommar när de upptäcker kärleken, verklig vänskap och förödande hemligheter. -Netflix
Sommarens hetta (Orig: Temporada de Verão) har premiär på Netflix den 21 januari.
En man hittas brutalt mördad i skogen precis vid ett löpspår. Alex, Steinar och Martin är på plats och börjar planera utredningen. Samtidigt börjar Josef på eget bevåg nysta i en nedlagd utredning. Det är ett brottsfall där han har en personlig relation, vilket blir både irriterande och frustrerande för Alex. Beck – Rage Room är den 44:e filmen i serien med Peter Haber som Martin Beck. -C More
Filmen Beck – Rage Room har premiär på C More den 21 januari.
Izzy är en frisör från New York som får möjlighet att jobba på ett kungligt bröllop . men hur blir det med plikten när det börjar slå gnistor mellan henne och prinsen? -Netflix
Filmen The Royal Treatment har premiär på Netflix den 20 januari.
One twin sister was raised in the Supernatural world, confident and popular. The other was raised in the human world, an offbeat outsider. Now they’re about to be reunited at the Supernatural Academy, and neither one of them is thrilled about it. Learning you’ve got a secret sister is hard enough, but then they find out the true reason their parents separated them at birth: they’re Dragon Marked, cursed to serve the evil Dragon King. These adversarial twins will have to learn to get over their differences and trust each other in order to save themselves and save the world. –Imdb