In the Season 2 premiere, titled “The Soul of Genghis Khan,” Danny and Lexi finish tracking down the last of Farouk’s black market antiquities and begin to make plans for their future. Said plans, alas, are quickly derailed when the Vatican is attacked by terrorists. A person from Danny’s past in turn resurfaces, leading them on a new hunt to recover one of the greatest lost treasures of Asia — the Spirit Banner of Genghis Khan. –Tvline.com
It’s unlikely the action-adventure drama will be renewed for a third season. Series star Matt Barr is set to lead the CW’s Walker: Independence, which was recently picked up to series.
Säsong 2 av Blood & Treasure har premiär på Paramount+ den 17 juli. Serien hade premiär 2019 men på grund av Covid-19 har inspelningen av den andra säsongen tagit längre tid.