Season 16 of Heartland finds Amy (Amber Marshall) and the rest of the family making bold strides towards their futures. For Amy that means taking the blinders off and looking at her life with renewed hope and focus. She’ll be challenged by the horses that need her help, but she’ll also open herself up to the possibility of new friendships and maybe even romance. Amy’s daughter, Lyndy (Ruby and Emmanuella Spencer), will follow in her mom’s footsteps as her talents with horses start to develop over the course of the season. Jack (Shaun Johnston) and Lisa (Jessica Steen) will find themselves living out the dreams they’ve both worked so hard to achieve, but they’ll also realize that there are unforeseen consequences to dreams coming true. Just as Lou (Michelle Morgan) and Peter (Gabriel Morris) have recommitted as a couple, Katie (Baye McPherson) will struggle to find her place in the world and in her family. Tim (Chris Potter) has never been happier in his marriage to Jessica (Michelle Nolden), but a ghost from his past will force him to reconsider mistakes he made years ago and seek ways to atone for them. –Cbc.ca
Säsong 16 av Heartland har premiär på CBC den 2 oktober.
Den nya säsongen kommer även dediceras till Robert Cormier som tyvärr avled den 23 september till följd av en tragisk olycka. Ni kan läsa mer här