Tulsa King follows a New York City Italian mobster, forced to relocate to the most unlikely of places—Kansas City, Missouri. Set in present day, legendary mobster Sal is faced with the startling task of reestablishing his Italian mafia family to the modernized, straight-shooting town of Kansas City. There, Sal encounters surprising and unsuspecting characters who follow him along his unconventional path to power. –Releases.com
Tulsa King har premiär på Paramount+ den 13 november.
Su Nian Nian is a ambitious student who is hoping to get into one of the top-tier universities, but a traffic accident makes her late and causes her to fail to gain admission into one of her preferred universities. Instead she goes to a engineering university in a small city full of problem students. It’s there she meets Gu Zi Chen, a rebellious son of a wealthy family. –Imdb
Den kinesiska serien Your Highness, the Class Monitor visades under 2019 med totalt 36 avsnitt, serien finns att se med engelsk text på YouTube.
En bortskämd arvtagerska tappar minnet efter en skidolycka och blir omhändertagen av en problemtyngd änkeman och hans dotter när julen närmar sig. -Netflix
Filmen Falling for Christmas har premiär på Netflix den 10 november.
It’s a new decade, and the royal family are facing what may be their biggest challenge yet: proving their continued relevance in ‘90s Britain. As Diana and Charles wage a media war, cracks begin to splinter the royal foundation. –YouTube
Säsong 5 av The Crown har premiär på Netflix den 9 november. Ni kan läsa mer här!
En undersökande dokumentär om FIFA och dess kontroversiella historia, där vi får följa maktkamperna, den globala politiken och vad som krävs för att stå värd för ett VM. -Netflix
Miniserien Sanningen om FIFA: Fotboll, pengar och korruption (Orig: FIFA Uncovered) har premiär på Netflix den 9 november.
After years in the limelight, Selena Gomez achieves unimaginable stardom. But just as she reaches a new peak, an unexpected turn pulls her into darkness. This uniquely raw and intimate documentary spans her six-year journey into a new light. –Apple.com
Dokumentärfilmen Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me har premiär på Apple TV+ den 4 november.
Set in 1950s Brighton, a gay policeman, Tom Burgess, marries schoolteacher Marion Taylor while being in a relationship with Patrick Hazlewood, a museum curator. The secret they share threatens to ruin them all. –Wikipedia
Filmen My Policeman har premiär på Amazon Prime Video den 4 november.
The show’s creators Nahnatchka Khan and Jeff Chiang have recently hinted at what to expect from Season 3 during an interview with EW. The quote reads: ”He’s (Dwayne Johnson) sort of stepped out of the public eye a little bit, but then he gets the call from President Taft telling him there’s a national crisis and he needs Dwayne’s help. So, he kind of gets pulled back into the mix.” This emphasis on the non-biopic side sure does not take away from the grounded nature of the rest of the plot, however, with Chiang and Khan adding: ”It’s pretty rewarding because we care about his story so much. We want to honor his family and their story and his support and all the little details he’s willing to share that help us make this show more specific.” Fans of the autobiographical nature of the show can be excited for what’s to come, with this quote suggesting just how much passion and care has gone into this project. –Collider.com
Säsong 3 av Young Rock har premiär på NBC den 4 november.
Säsongerna 1-2 finns att se på Viaplay, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 3 kommer att visas där.
Per Netflix, the upcoming season takes place two years after the events of the season 3 finale, in which Grace was brutally murdered. ”The Stone family is in shambles as a devastated Ben continues to mourn his wife and search for his kidnapped daughter, Eden,” the official tagline reads. ”Consumed by his grief, Ben has stepped down from his role as co-captain of the lifeboat, leaving Michaela to captain it alone, a near impossible feat with the passengers’ every move now being monitored by a government registry,” the tagline continues. ”As the Death Date draws closer and the passengers grow desperate for a path to survival, a mysterious passenger arrives with a package for Cal that changes everything they know about Flight 828 and will prove to be the key to unlocking the secret of the Callings in this compelling, mind-bending, and deeply emotional journey.” –People.com
The upcoming season will be split into two parts, with part 1 premiering on Nov. 4 and part 2 premiering at a later date. Each part will consist of 10 episodes.
Now a detective-for-hire, Enola Holmes takes on her first official case to find a missing girl as the sparks of a dangerous conspiracy ignite a mystery that requires the help of friends – and Sherlock himself – to unravel –Imdb
Filmen Enola Holmes 2 har premiär på Netflix den 4 november och är uppföljare till filmen Enola Holmes från 2020.