Set in an idyllic waterfront town in the Pacific Northwest, the next chapter of “Cruel Summer” follows the rise and fall of an intense teenage friendship. Approaching the story from three different timelines surrounding Y2K, the season twists and turns as it tracks the early friendship between Megan, Isabella and Megan’s best friend Luke, the love triangle that blossomed, and the mystery that would impact all of their lives going forward. –
Säsong 2 av Cruel Summer har premiär på Freeform den 5 juni.
Säsong 1 finns att se på Amazon Prime Video, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 2 kommer att visas där.
“A game warden and his family navigate the changing political and socio-economic climate in a small rural town in Wyoming on the verge of economic collapse. Surrounded by rich history and vast wildlife, the township hides decades of schemes and secrets that are yet to be uncovered.” –
Säsong 2 av Joe Pickett har premiär på Paramount+ den 4 juni.
Oklart i skrivande stund om serien kommer få en premiär på SkyShowtime (Sveriges version av Paramount)
Säsongen rivstartar med att en lokal vinhandlare hittas död efter sin egen födelsedagsfest och Dan och Flemming hittar snabbt mystiska ledtrådar vid förhören med gästerna. Samtidigt får Dan reda på att hans rival Otto har blivit frisläppt från fängelset. –
Säsong 4 av Morden i Helsingör har premiär på C More och TV4 den 4 juni.
In the second series, a former colleague of Finn’s, DC Al Quinn, is sent to town as part of an undercover operation. Following the operation’s conclusion, Al stays in town to fill the void left following Leila’s departure. When his daughter is caught up in the theft of an ATM, Al crosses the line to protect the one he loves most, putting his career on the line in the process. –Wikipedia
Säsong 2 av Hope Street har premiär på C More den 31 maj.
Season four of NANCY DREW begins as Nancy launches a new investigation to find a group of missing bodies from Horseshoe Bay’s cemetery that have been dug up and stolen—or have possibly risen. As Nancy is drawn into this ghostly case, a string of unexplained paranormal crimes leads the Drew Crew to believe that the literal sins of the town’s past have returned to haunt the living. Meanwhile, Nancy struggles with yearning for Ace, the man she loves. But when a slow-burning attraction begins between Nancy and the son of Ryan Hudson’s newest enemy, Nancy must decide whether this love interest is worth the ire of both her father and Ace—whose own heart may also be tempted by a new relationship. Nancy’s exploits this season will bring the Drew Crew numerous standalone cases, stunning twists, humor, and unexpected romances as they are drawn into a season-long mystery unlike any they have had to solve before. When Nancy’s efforts to protect her seaside hometown from the sins of its past backfire, she must do the unthinkable to save her friends from both the supernatural and earthbound threats coming for them—and it could cost her everything, and everyone, she’s ever loved. –
Säsong 4 av Nancy Drew, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista har premiär på The CW den 31 maj.
Säsongerna 1-2 finns att se på Viaplay, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 3 & 4 kommer att visas där.
Whitney anxiously awaits the fate of her relationship, while Sondi and Renee are reminded by Ella that it’s never a bad time to choose yourself. (Säsong 2 avsnitt 1)
Honeymoon’s Over
With the respective stresses of starting her own agency and adapting to Naomi’s presence, Renee and Sondi enlist the help of Hope to snap Whitney out of her sadness spiral and moving on with her life after Ola. (Säsong 2 avsnitt 2)
Back to Business
The ladies focus on their careers as Renee starts her solo agency, Whitney returns to work and Sondi gets an opportunity to shine at school. (Säsong 2 avsnitt 3)
The cameras return as Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie invite viewers back into their lives as they navigate motherhood, coparenting, and building their own empires. Their bond will be tested and tensions arise, but as a family they will stand together through the storm. –YouTube
Säsong 3 av realityserien The Kardashians har premiär på Disney+ den 25 maj.
In Sheriff Boyd’s absence, Donna and Kenny struggle to manage the chaos as a busload of unwitting newcomers arrives in town; Victor and Tabitha go on a chilling journey through the nightmarish labyrinth of tunnels beneath the town. (Säsong 2 avsnitt 1)
The Kindness of Strangers
A tense night in the diner as the residents and newcomers wait for sunrise; fear permeates the wreckage beneath the Matthews house, as Jim and Tom struggle to keep a panicked bus passenger quiet. (Säsong 2 avsnitt 2)
Kenny and Ellis make a grisly discovery out in the forest; Boyd struggles with the reality of what’s happening to him. (Säsong 2 avsnitt 3)