According to showrunner Nkechi Okoro Carroll, who spoke to TV Line in September, season four will ”fill in the blanks” fans were left with after All American Season 3 aired its final episode this past July. ”What we can promise the audience is we will fill in the blanks of what happened,” Carroll vowed. “This is not going to be a season-long guessing game of where things ended up after the cliffhangers. Those questions will be answered in the first episode.”“We will see a ripple effect through a number of characters as they are changed and their directions pivot — and maybe even life priorities change as a result of the cliffhangers,” the exec added. –Inquisitr.com
Säsong 4 av All American har premiär på The CW den 25 oktober.
Säsongerna 1-3 finns att se på HBO Nordic, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 4 kommer visas där. ( HBO Nordic håller på att gå över till HBO Max vilket kan vara orsaken till ovissheterna kring de olika serierna)