Details about the final season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine have largely been kept classified so far in order to surprise fans, but both the cast and writing team have previously stated that the season will address the Black Lives Matter movement and issues of systemic inequality. Beyond that, fans can look forward to seeing Jake and Amy (Melissa Fumero) adjusting to life as new parents. This may be the last ride for the detectives of the 99th precinct, but the new teaser trailer for season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine makes it all the more certain that the highly anticipated final season will live up to the hype. -Screenrant.com
Beyond those systemic issues, the new season will also need to address the reality of life during a pandemic. Talking with The Hollywood Reporter, showrunner Dan Goor, “We think there is a value to escapism, but at the same time, we don’t want to be ignorant. There is a debate about what next year will look like. I don’t think anybody wants us to, nor do we want to, have our characters toiling away in the depths of the pandemic. I don’t think that’s the direction we’ll go in. “But the question is how they have been affected by the virus and the pandemic as New York City residents and as first responders in New York City. How do we keep the show funny? How do we do that while still making them of this world and of their world? It’s challenging.
Säsong 8 av Brooklyn Nine-Nine, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista har premiär på NBC den 12 augusti. Säsong 1-7 finns att se på Netflix men är i skrivande stund inte känt om/när säsong 8 kommer bli tillgänglig på Netflix.