After a first season that re-imagined Dickinson’s artistic ascension, creator Alena Smith revealed season 2 will explore the writer’s position on fame. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter she discussed how the series would dissect why much of the late poet’s work was written in secret and not published until after her death. ”Season 1 gives one answer, which is it was a patriarchy and her father was opposed to women publishing. Season 2 is going to completely turn that on its head or inside out and give a very different answer, which is that Emily herself had a deeply ambivalent relationship to fame,” Smith explained. ”Season 2 is really all about fame and the attention economy, which was a central concern in Emily Dickinson’s poems. She wrote many, many poems about fame and about running from fame or rejecting fame. But she definitely had an obsession about fame even if she was subverting it.” –Elle.com
Säsong 2 av Dickinson har premiär den 8 janurai på Apple TV+