In the pantheon of cinematic greetings, few send shivers down your spine faster than “Hello, Clarice.” Even when those words are being spoken by a handsome Muppet like Landon Kirby.That’s how Landon — or Landi-vore, as we’ll be calling him for as long as Malivore’s possession sticks — welcomes Hope to his chambers in TVLine’s exclusive sneak peek of Legacies‘ fourth season premiere, airing Oct. 14 at 9/8c on The CW. Fortunately, Landi-vore provides context: “An unexpected side effect of taking over Landon’s body is that I now have all his memories,” he says. “Do you know how many movies this kid has seen?”Seizing the opportunity for more witty banter, Hope whips out a bevy of torture tools before telling her boyfriend’s father, “You’re not Hannibal Lecter. You’re the lamb.”Here’s what we can expect from next week’s premiere, per the episode’s official logline: “After learning that Malivore has taken over Landon’s body, Hope and the Super Squad come up with a risky plan to rescue Landon, as well as Cleo, who has been absorbed into Malivore’s darkness. Meanwhile, an impromptu date with Finch brings up a subject that Josie is not ready to talk about.”There’s one more thing you should probably keep in mind as we head into Season 4: According to executive producer Brett Matthews, the first four episodes — which were originally meant to be the final four episodes of Season 3 — will deliver “what the show has been building to for three seasons.” –Tvline.com
Säsong 4 av Legacies har premiär på The CW den 14 oktober.
Säsongerna 1-3 finns att se på HBO Nordic, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 4 kommer att visas där. (Brukar vanligtvis komma dagen efter men hittar ingen sådan information på deras premiärkalender eller dylikt.)