“Something in the Air, Part I” – As New Orleans grapples with the effects of [the pandemic], Pride sends Tammy and Carter to investigate a suspicious death aboard a humanitarian ship offshore, where they learn that some crew members are infected with the deadly disease. Also, Wade is overwhelmed by the high volume in the morgue due to [the virus], on the seventh season premiere of NCIS: NEW ORLEANS. – cartermatt.com
Det har även blivit känt att Chelsea Fields karaktär Rita Devereaux kommer ha en betydligt större roll, och beskriver det så här:
”Rita has reassessed her life. She’s done pushing papers in a boring office job,” Field told TV Insider of her character’s move from D.C. back to NOLA. ”Her relationship with Pride is easygoing, but she feels they need to define it a bit more.” –tvinsider.com
Säsong 7 av NCIS: New Orleans har premiär den 8 november.