As the trailer makes it clear, Season 6 will cut to the chase and pick up right after the explosive Season 5 finale, when the Bravo team got ambushed in Mali. Now we will finally discover how the fight for their lives went down, as well as who made it out alive. One thing is certain, though: None of them left the RPG ambush unscathed. In addition, the SEAL Team trailer highlights some more dangerous missions that the team will have to go through this time, including the investigation of a Navy destroyer that got hit and caused several casualties, a new long-term mission in northern Syria, and the lingering danger of the team getting decommissioned. –Collider.com
Säsong 6 av SEAL Team har premiär på Paramount+ (USA) den 18 september.
Säsongerna 1-5 finns att se på Viaplay för svenska tittare, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 6 kommer visas där.