According to the show’s website, Season 5 of ”Animal Kingdom” will be split between the past and present of the Cody family. In the present, the family is struggling to recover from the death of Smurf. ”Pope, Craig, Deran and J still are dealing with the fallout from the events surrounding Smurf’s death, including family members out for revenge,” the site states. Smurf had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. InSseason 4, she planned an elaborate heist that would have let her die on her own terms, and possibly take Pope with her. Rather than let this happen, her grandson J (Finn Cole) shot her. In the past, we will see a young Smurf raising twins Pope and Julia while also ”leading the charge on dangerous jobs with new and old friends.” Sounds a little ”Godfather Part II,” no? Heirs to a crime family scramble to seize power after the death of their leader and parent, meanwhile the viewers are treated to flashbacks depicting how this leader got so important in the first place. Hopefully none of the Cody boys pull a Fredo Corleone. Actually, come to think of it, that’s all they ever do. It’s a whole family of Fredos. -Looper.com
Säsong 5 av Animal Kingdom har premiär på Viaplay den 12 juli.