Säsong 5 av Queen of the South hade premiär på USA Network den 7 april 2021 men finns nu att se i sin helhet på Netflix!
Ni kan läsa mer i inlägget nedan. ⬇️
The cartel world is very harsh, especially when it comes to matters of the heart,” Braga tells EW exclusively about how James’ (Peter Gadiot) return will upend Teresa’s life when the drama premieres on Wednesday, April 7 at 10 p.m. ”In this world, love weakens you. It puts you in a very dangerous situation because it can be used against you, to hurt you,” she continued. ”This happened to Teresa already in season 4 when they killed [her godson] Tony to hurt her. Season 5 will show a harsher Teresa and her struggles with James’ return and coping with the loss of her godson. ”In an exclusive first look of the season 5 premiere above, James has survived his injuries and he’s safe with Teresa and her crew. Nobody knows what to make of his reappearance and the conversation about whether or not he can be trusted is ongoing. -Ew.com
Säsong 5 av Queen of the South, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista har premiär på USA Network den 7 april. Säsong 1-4 finns att se på Netflix.