Coyote hade premiär på CBS All Access under januari månad men kommer nu till Sverige och Viaplay med en premiär den 21 februari. Läs mer i inlägget nedan ⬇️
Coyote is the story of Ben Clemens, played by Michael Chiklis, who after 32 years as a border patrol agent, is forced to work for the very people he spent his career trying to keep out of America. Now exposed to life on the other side of the wall, Ben will start to question his black and white views of the world, challenging his ideology and his loyalties. –Fandom.com
Coyote kommer bestå av 6 avsnitt och har sin premiär den 7 januari på CBS All Access
The Stand is described as ”King’s apocalyptic vision of a world decimated by plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil. The fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. Their worst nightmares are embodied by a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the nefarious ’Dark Man.’ –Wikipedia
The Stand som är baserad på boken med samma namn av Stephen King har premiär på CBS All Access den 17 december.