In season four of Charmed, Mel (Melonie Diaz) and Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) find their lives transformed by the death of their beloved sister, Macy. But when their grief threatens to undo the Power of Three forever, the surprising arrival of a third Charmed One (Lucy Barrett) gives them a renewed opportunity to fulfill their destinies. And this couldn’t come at a better time, because a mysterious new enemy is rising in the shadows, instilling fear in every corner of the magical world. But as this new foe draws the Charmed Ones and their allies Harry (Rupert Evans) and Jordan (Jordan Donica) deeper into a twisted game, the question is — will this new trio be ready for what’s to come? Or will their inexperience working together put the entire world in jeopardy? –
Säsong 4 av Charmed har premiär på The CW den 11 mars.
Säsongerna 1-3 har precis haft premiär på Viaplay, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 4 kommer visas där.
After the tragic death of Mel (Melonie Diaz) and Maggie’s (Sarah Jeffery) mother, the sisters struggle with moving forward but face another huge shock when they learn they have an older sister, Macy (Madeleine Mantock). With the emotions of all three sisters running high, each of the girls suddenly exhibit impossible new abilities: Mel can freeze time, Maggie starts hearing others’ thoughts and Macy has telekinetic powers. While trying to understand their new powers, Harry Greenwood (Rupert Evans), gathers the sisters and reveals they’re actually powerful witches, as was their mother. He also lets them in on a little secret, he’s not really a professor, he’s their ”Whitelighter,” a witch’s advisor and guide. The sisters must make the decision to accept their new destiny as the Charmed Ones… and their new duty to protect humankind from the demons that walk among us… one of whom killed their mother. –
Säsong 2
The sisters and Harry are battle-scarred but stronger than ever and hoping that life will be a bit simpler now that disaster has been averted. But is life for the Charmed Ones ever simple? Season one ends with their family relationships intact but their romantic lives in flux. –
Säsong 3
At the end of season two, the Charmed Ones and the magical world find themselves in certain peril as Julian affirmed to Aunt Vivienne that “whatever it takes,” he would bring her Macy (Madeleine Mantock). Meanwhile, Harry (Rupert Evans) and Macy’s newly cemented romance hangs in the balance after Harry asked Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) to use her new power to change his feelings for her sister. With Mel’s (Melonie Diaz) relationship with Ruby at an impasse, will Mel ever find true love? And is the destruction of the sisterhood inevitable, or will the Charmed Ones conquer the Conqueror? The answers to these questions will unfold in season three and chart a whole new journey for the Charmed Ones as Maggie pursues her career ambitions, Macy returns to her science roots, and Mel’s activism is reignited.-
Säsongerna 1-3 av Charmed finns nu att se i sin helhet på Viaplay!
In the Dark fick grönt ljus för både en säsong 2 och 3 under 2019-2020 (och har även blivit klar för en säsong 4), men nu börjar det komma besked om vilka serier som gör In the Dark sällskap under 2022 och vilka som vi får säga hejdå till, ta en titt på listorna nedan.
Det är sedan tidigare bestämt att Black Lightning och Supergirlskulle få en avslutande säsong och nu börjar beskeden komma om vilka som gör dessa serier sällskap.
The series was renewed for a second season prior to the first season’s premiere; however, these plans were eventually cancelled on January 29, 2021, after controversy regarding series producer Michelle Latimer arose.
Bulletproof was renewed for a fourth series. The series was set to consist of eight episodes; filming had been scheduled to begin later in the year.[14][15][16] However, following allegations against Clarke in late April 2021 of sexual misconduct and bullying, filming was suspended, and makers Vertigo said they would investigate whether any of the allegations related to their productions.[17] In May 2021, the series was officially cancelled by Sky One.
With the third season of The CW’s Charmed looking to cast its spell starting Sunday, January 24, Macy (Madeleine Mantock), Maggie (Sarah Jeffery), Mel (Melonie Diaz), and Harry (Rupert Evans) aren’t exactly going to have a lot of time to get used to being back- especially when they have that whole ”death of all magic” matter to address. And as you can see from the preview images and bare-bones episode description for ”An Inconvenient Truth” below? That also means Macy and Harry having to reach some kind of understanding of exactly what they are relationship-wise. Maybe facing off with ”big bads” would be a little easier… –
Säsong 3 av Charmed har premiär på The CW den 24 januari.
Charmed, eller Förhäxad som den heter på svenska är en reboot av serien med samma namn som sändes mellan 1998-2006. Amerikansk dramaserie om två omaka systrar som inte bara inser att de har en okänd syster utan även att de är mäktiga häxor, ämnade att skydda världen från mörka krafter. Trion kämpar hårt för att bemästra sina övernaturliga förmågor samtidigt som de jagar den mystiska demon som dödat deras mamma.
The CW meddelade i början på januari att Charmed kommer tillbaka med en 3e säsong, inget exakt datum är satt men säsong 1 och 2 har haft premiär i början av oktober. Säsong 1 går att se på CMore.