Coming off a championship-winning year, the Navarro cheer squad is back — but they have a lot more to contend with than making their pyramid perfect. From near-constant interviews and events to guest appearances on shows like Ellen and Dancing With the Stars, Navarro is dealing with overwhelming newfound fame. But all of that comes to a close when COVID-19 upends the 2020 cheer season, and the team is rocked once again when Season 1 star Jerry Harris was indicted on federal child pornography charges. […] This season also takes a closer look at Trinity Valley Community College, Navarro’s rivals down the road. The TVCC Cardinals were briefly mentioned in Season 1, but they ultimately faltered, coming in second place in Daytona 2019; but the new trailer shows a determined team looking to take on their Goliath. “Don’t come to the Valley just because you want to be famous,” head coach Vontae Johnson says. “Come because you want to be the best.” In particular, the trailer highlights TVCC tumbler Angel Rice — called “the Simone Biles of cheerleading” — as a fierce new competitor for the Bulldogs. –Netflix.com/tudum
Säsong 2 av sportdokumentärserien Cheer har premiär på Netflix den 12 januari.