Under april månad har Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. & Chicago Med alla fått klartecken för en ny säsong.
Chicago Fire kommer tillbaka med en säsong 12, P.D. med säsong 11 och Med med en säsong 9.
Återkommer när det finns mer information.
Chicago Fire
Kidd and Severide’s honeymoon is interrupted by a dangerous person from their past; Kidd’s former academy classmate joins Firehouse 51; Brett and Violet reflect on their relationships. (Säsong 11 avsnitt 1)
Säsong 11 av Chicago Fire har premiär på Viaplay den 22 september
Chicago P.D.
Still reeling from the death of his informant Anna, Voight faces a new threat as he tries to keep the neighborhood clean. New wrinkles develop in the Upton, Halstead and Voight dynamic. The team gets a new chief. (Säsong 10 avsnitt 1) –Onechicagocenter.com
Säsong 10 av Chicago P.D. har premiär på Viaplay den 22 september.
Chicago Med
In the aftermath of Halstead’s apartment fire, Marcel, Choi and Archer work together to try to save the survivors; Charles and Med’s new fellow, Cuevas, helps a paranoid patient; Scott makes a life-changing decision. (Säsong 8 avsnitt 1) –Onechicagocenter.com
Säsong 8 av Chicago Med har premiär på Viaplay den 22 september.
Mer information om de nya säsongerna finns här!
Det blev under 2020 känt att Dick Wolf skrev ett monsterkontrakt med NBC och lyckades få fyra serie förnyade med 3 säsonger var. New Amsterdam (säsong 3, 4 & 5), Chicago Fire (säsong 9, 10 & 11), Chicago Med (säsong 6, 7 & 8), Chicago P.D. (Säsong 8, 9 & 10) & Law & Order: SVU (säsong 22, 23 & 24). –Atvb.alkb.se
Ovannämnda serier är nu inne på sitt sista år av 3 säsongs förnyelsen. New Amsterdam kommer avsluta efter en något förkortad säsong 5. Resterande serier finns det i nuläget inga besked om efter 2022-2023, alla serier har dock goda chanser att bli förnyade med ytterliga säsonger.
2) Law & Order: Organized Crime (Säsong 3)
1) Kenan (2021-2022 – 2 säsonger)
2) Mr. Mayor (2021-2022 – 2 säsonger)
3) Ordinary Joe (2021-2022 – 1 säsong)
4) The Endgame (2022 – 1 säsong)
Chicago Fire säsong 10
The premiere episode of Chicago Fire season 10 is titled “Mayday.” In the season 9 finale, the rescue squad members Kelly Severide, Joe Cruz, Harold Capp, and Tony Ferraris got stuck. The boat collapsed while trying to rescue a victim, and the whole squad got trapped as their only escape route was blocked. The situation got tenser when the oxygen tanks slowly went empty, and everyone’s life seemed in danger. As the team struggles to make out alive, Firehouse 51 will have to deal with the aftermath of the complicated boat rescue. The last season left the fans on a cliffhanger, questioning if the squad manages to make out alive when Chicago Fire season 10 returns. Moreover, it will be thrilling to see other members of Firehouse 51 try their best to save the lives of their buddies stuck inside a sinking boat. Further, we will also see Gallo, Ritter, and Violet focusing on doing side gigs besides working at the Firehouse. In addition, the fans might also see the chief saying goodbye to Firehouse 51. He is expected to move ahead on his journey to becoming the deputy district chief. Finally, it will be thrilling for the fans to see what happens next when the show returns for season 10 of Chicago Fire. –Techradar247.com
Chicago P.D. säsong 9
In this Season 9 premiere, officer Kim Burgess (Marina Squerciati) fights for her life as the team scrambles to find her kidnapper. Deputy Superintendent Sam Miller (Nicole Ari Parker) is desperate to find her son’s killer. Sergeant Hank Voight (Jason Beghe) and Detective Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridakos) deal with the aftermath of their deadly decision. Adam Ruzek (Patrick John Flueger) struggles with the pressure of the situation.We know that Detective Jay Halstead (Jesse Lee Soffer), who became engaged last season to girlfriend Detective Hailey Upton (Tracy Spiridaikos), will have some conflict given she was involved with some not-so-legal activities last season with Sgt. Voight (Jason Beghe). –Reelchicago.com
Chicago Med säsong 7
Last season, Will covered up an ethics violation. It’s a choice that could have serious consequences for him as his job at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center which is on the line because of his actions. Whether the doctor stays or goes is up to Goodwin. What will she decide and how will her decision impact the rest of the team?Those are the questions that loom large over this premiere entitled “You Can’t Always Trust What You See.” As does Choi’s health. He was shot by a patient last season and will be dealing with the aftermath of that altercation at the top of season 7. With the doctor in recovery, his colleague Dr. Dean Archer is set to step into the role of the interim chief of the ED. New leadership, however, always comes with a different work culture which means while some might gel with his working style others might find themselves butting heads with the interim chief.Shifting roles, a dire need to balance the budget and still provide top of the line health care, the arrival of two new doctors, and personal family issues are just some of the plots and storylines Chicago Med will be tackling in season 7. –Hiddenremote.com
De nya säsongerna har alla premiär den 23 september kl 20.00 på Viaplay, med nya avsnitt varje vecka.
Chicago Fire Säsong 9
The firefighters and paramedics at Firehouse 51 are put on full alert as COVID-19 continues to ravage Chicago and the rest of the world. Meanwhile, following Foster’s departure to medical school, Ambulance 61 introduces Gianna Mackey as the newest paramedic. It is revealed that Mackey and Cruz grew up together and he fought for her to get to 51. While on a call, Brett and Mackey deal with an OD patient whose brother threatens Brett’s life with a gun. Later on, the door to Brett’s apartment is left open leading Casey to spend the night with her. After saving Severide’s life at a call, Boden recommends Kidd to take the lieutenant’s test in a few months. Also, to promote the latest addition to the Molly’s brand, Hermann recruits Mouch and Ritter to come up with an idea to promote the business. Mackey and Brett get the sad news that their patient died at Chicago Med. Later, while on their way to a call, Mackey and Brett are rammed down a hill by the OD victim’s older brother and Ambulance 61 crashes. (säsong 9 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
Chicago P.D. Säsong 8
Voight and the rest of the Intelligence unit grapple with the revolution of police reform and COVID-19. Meanwhile, the Intelligence unit investigates a shooting that involves a five-year-old child. While dealing with police brutality, Atwater suggests not to engage in physical altercations with the suspect, to Voight’s dismay. Also, Voight is introduced to the new Deputy Superintendent, Samantha Miller (guest star Nicole Ari Parker). Later, Atwater gets into a blowup with Voight over the way the police confront suspects, and Voight tells Atwater to find another job if he wants to argue about how the Intelligence Unit runs. Later, Atwater is attacked by several unknown people and is left struggling to get back up. (säsong 8 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
Chicago Med Säsong 6
As the COVID-19 virus continues to spread throughout the world, the first responders begin to adjust to a new normal at Gaffney. Meanwhile, Dr. Halstead has his hands full when dealing with a patient with an injured armed who constantly falls and begins to suspect that she might be an alcoholic and also deals with his girlfriend, Hannah’s newest relapse. Dr. Marcel and Dr. Manning deal with a patient whose cancer has returned. April and Dr. Choi are put in charge of the COVID-19 unit and deal with the latest patient to die from the virus. Elsewhere, Dr. Charles is forced to quarantine after contracting COVID-19 and Sharon is forced to work from home due to her health reasons.(säsong 6 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
Den 1 september drar nya säsonger av Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. & Chicago Med igång på Viaplay. Alla serier får även premiär på Netflix samma datum, dock oklart i skrivande stund hur många säsonger av respektive serier som kommer gå att se där.
Det blev under 2020 känt att Dick Wolf skrev ett monsterkontrakt med NBC och lyckades få fyra serie förnyade med 3 säsonger var. New Amsterdam (säsong 3, 4 & 5), Chicago Fire (säsong 9, 10 & 11), Chicago Med (säsong 6, 7 & 8), Chicago P.D. (Säsong 8, 9 & 10) & Law & Order: SVU (säsong 22, 23 & 24). Kika in listan nedan för att se vilka serier som gör ovannämnda serier sällskap ⬇️
5) Law & Order: Organized Crime (säsong 2)
2) World of Dance (2017-2020 – 4 säsonger)
3) Manifest (2018-2021 – 3 säsonger)
4) Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist (2020-2021 – 2 säsonger)
In June 2021, the series was canceled after two seasons, but is expected to shop to other networks.
5) Superstore (2015-2021 – 6 säsonger)
In February 2021, it was reported that a Spanish-language adaptation, titled Supertitlan, is in development.
6) Good Girls (2018-2021 – 4 säsonger)
Chicago Fire Säsong 8
In the season 8 premiere, the mattress factory fire spirals out of control. Truck and squad lay it on the line in hopes of getting the trapped victims out alive. –Chicagofire.fandom.com
Chicago P.D. Säsong 7
Following Kelton’s murder, Voight is the prime suspect. The Intelligence unit digs deeper into the investigation however, Voight demands the team to stand down and tries to handle it by himself. This is until Halstead finds out that Voight knew who the true suspect was in Kelton’s murder. Meanwhile, Ruzek posts bail from prison. Also, Dawson goes missing. Later, Voight reveals that Dawson has gone into a rehab facility. (säsong 7 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
Chicago Med Säsong 5
Following the car accident, Dr. Manning suffers a traumatic head injury and Dr. Halstead blames himself. Trauma surgeon Dr. Crockett Marcel and Dr. Halstead are suspicious of Phillip when he claims he and Natalie are engaged and tries to order Dr. Halstead away from her care and life. Dr. Rhodes believes Dr. Bekker caused his father’s death, but the administration seems to suspect Dr. Rhodes. When they learn the insulin overdose contains traceable amounts of chromium, Dr. Bekker takes her own life. Meanwhile, Dr. Choi and April deal with a pregnancy scare while treating a young patient who may be going blind and Maggie confronts her cancer diagnosis. Dr. Charles cuts his honeymoon short to treat a patient with potential schizophrenia. Unable to get over what happened, Dr. Rhodes resigns and leaves Chicago after saying goodbye to Goodwin and Dr. Latham—who admits he’s accepted Dr. Rhodes as a friend. (säsong 5 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
Den 9 juni drar nya säsonger av Chicago Fire, Chicago P.D. & Chicago Med igång på Viaplay.
NBC har valt att sända alla serier från Chicago under samma kväll och har därför fått samlingsnamnet ”One Chicago” Här nere kan ni läsa lite mer om den nya säsongen för respektive serie, viss spoiler alert är nödvändig.
Chicago Fire kommer tillbaka med en säsong 9, ni kan läsa mer här.
Chicago P.D. kommer tillbaka med en säsong 8, ni kan läsa mer här.
Chicago MED kommer tillbaka med en säsong 6, ni kan läsa mer här.
”Chicago Wednesday” brukar börja i september men på grund av läget i världen har premiären flyttats fram, nya avsnitt kommer till TV-rutan 11 november.