The series takes place across three distinct time periods: The Past (2009), The Present (2023 and 2025) and The Future (2034), and follows the lives and careers of a team of FBI recruits whilst focusing on the transformation of the U.S. criminal justice system, as it is altered by the rise of artificial intelligence. –Wikipedia
Miniserien Class of ’09 har premiär på FX on Hulu den 10 maj.
Docuseries chronicling the purchase and stewardship of Wrexham AFC, one of professional football’s oldest clubs, by two Hollywood actors, Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney. –Imdb
Dokumentärserien Welcome to Wrexham har premiär på Disney+ den 21 september.
”Mayans M.C. follows the life of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, a member of the Mayans M.C. charter on the Cali/Mexi border. Once the golden boy with the American Dream in his grasp, EZ, his brother Angel and the rest of the Santo Padre M.C. face retaliation from other chapters after a failed attempt to align under one King. Meanwhile, EZ and Angel have grown distant from their father Felipe after a heart wrenching betrayal.” –
Säsong 4 av Mayans M.C. har premiär på HBO Max den 25 april.
Säsongerna 1-3 finns även att se på Disney+, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 4 kommer visas där.
Sam Fox (Adlon), like many people who have crossed the threshold into middle age, is spending a lot of time lately thinking about her place in the universe. The season opens at the start of Sam’s day; she checks her blood pressure, lets the dogs out, makes a smoothie — all while Eric Idle croons ”Galaxy Song,” Monty Python’s ode to the mystery and miracle of existence. (”So, remember when you’re feeling very small and insecure/How amazingly unlikely is your birth.”) Sam’s eldest daughter, Max (Mikey Madison), has been out of the house for years. Her youngest, 13-year-old Duke (Olivia Edward), barely looks up from her phone. Brilliant middle child Frankie (Hannah Riley) is still exploring the idea of gender identity and balks at terms like ”daughter.” Sam is as inclusive as they come, but this leaves her feeling unmoored: ”I’ve always been the mom of three daughters — who would I be then?” It’s a big question, and with her empty-nest future looming, Sam turns to the past for answers. Her headstrong mom, Phil (Celia Imrie), has no patience for nostalgia. ”What difference does all of this make now?” she scoffs. ”A life, then gone.” Nevertheless, Sam persists, digging through Phil’s boxed-up memories and dragging her emotionally labile brother, Marion (Kevin Pollack, a master at repressed exasperation), to a genealogist to learn more about their family history. ”That makes me feel like we’re a part of a greater chain of history and humanity,” she explains. ”It gives me confidence somehow — like I’m important, and you are.” –
Säsong 5 av Better Things, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista har premiär på FX den 28 februari.
Säsongerna 1-4 finns att se på Disney+, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 5 kommer att visas där.
It is the summer of 1986, one year after the events of Season 4 and Franklin and the rest of his Family are rich beyond their wildest dreams. Things go sideways real quick when NBA draft pick Len Bias dies courtesy of the product Franklin has been peddling and now the politicians are up in arms over the issue. On top of that, the LAPD has formed the new CRASH team leading to a ruthless crackdown on gangs, dealers, and crime bosses. –
Säsong 5 av Snowfall har premiär på FX den 23 februari.
I tredje och sista säsongen av Pose har vi kommit till 1994 och balsalen känns som ett minne blott för Blanca (MJ Rodriquez), som kämpar med att hitta balansen som mamma, vara en närvarande partner till sin nya kärlek och samtidigt axla sin roll som sjuksköterska. Samtidigt skördar AIDS flest liv för amerikaner i åldern 25-44 år, vilket Pray Tell (Emmybelönade Billy Porter) erfar på nära håll, och House of Evangelista får kämpa hårt för sin existens. –
Sista säsongen av Pose har premiär på HBO Nordic den 3 maj.
Business is booming in season four of Snowfall. It’s January 1st, 1985. Ronald Reagan has won his re-election campaign proclaiming it is ”morning again in America,” but in South Central, Los Angeles, it feels more like the sun is getting low. The demand for crack cocaine is high, and while our crew of dealers led by Franklin Saint (Damson Idris) are benefiting greatly from the rising tide of addiction, they are also starting to become aware of the damage the drug is doing to the people and to the place they love. With the entire nation taking note, the LAPD is diverting serious money and resources to the ”war on drugs.” Politicians’ phones are ringing. Powerful people are concerned from the hallways of The White House to those of CIA headquarters, where there are whispers that one of their own may be involved in this burgeoning epidemic.(säsong 4 avsnitt 1) –Imdb
Säsong 4 av Snowfall har premiär på HBO Nordic den 25 februari.
Set against 40 years of music history, the series takes a deep dive into the paradox of America’s criminalization of the genre and its fascination with the street culture that created it and still exists within it. Instead of telling the story of hip hop from the top down, Hip Hop Uncovered tells it from the streets up, as it reveals the untold story of how America’s streets helped shape hip hop culture from an expression of survival and defiance into music’s most dominant genre. –
Hip Hop Uncovered är en dokumentärserie som kommer sändas under 6 avsnitt med premiär på FX den 12 februari.