A twisted psychological thriller, Two Sides of the Abyss follows police officer Luise Berg as she careens toward catastrophe when her daughter’s murderer Dennis Opitz is released early from prison. Convinced that he’s the connection between a string of seemingly unrelated murders, Luise investigates Dennis’ dark past. She discovers that the young man who seems to be a model member of society is on a quest for revenge – placing Luise and her estranged daughter Josi at the center of his perfidious plan. Soon, Dennis and Luise become embroiled in a complex cat-and-mouse game that blurs and challenges the boundaries of guilt and innocence, perpetrators and victims, and law and justice. –Flixable.com
Two Sides of the Abyss (Orig: Zwei Seiten Des Abgrunds) har premiär på HBO Max den 8 maj.