Det är nu bekräftat att det blir i avsnitt åtta som Bethany Joy Lenz och Hilarie Burton gör Sophia Bush sällskap i Good Sam.
Keep Talking When Amy Taylor (Bethany Joy Lenz) is admitted to the hospital accompanied by her sister, Gretchen (Hilarie Burton) , with signs of premature heart disease, Dr. Sam Griffith discovers a deeper medical mystery. Also, Griff anxiously awaits the results of his MRI, hoping to get to the root of his troubling symptoms. –Imdb
Sophia Bush, Bethany Joy Lenz & Hilarie Burton hade alla en huvudkaraktär i serien One Tree Hill som sändes mellan 2003-2012. Efter seriens slut förblev de goda vänner och under 2021 startade de podcasten Drama Queens som handlar om just OTH.
Skådisarna får nu ännu en liten OTH-reunion när Bethany Joy Lenz och Hilarie Burton kommer att göra ett gästframträdande i Sophias nya serie Good Sam.
Hilarie Burton and Bethany Joy Lenz will appear in an upcoming episode of Bush’s new CBS medical drama Good Sam. The pair will portray sisters Gretchen and Amy Taylor, respectively, who cross paths with Dr. Sam Griffith (Bush) when Amy is admitted as a patient at Detroit’s Lakeshore Sentinel Hospital.
The network will release airdate info and further details about their roles at a later date, but a photo of Bush, Burton and Lenz together on set in Toronto can be seen above.
GOOD SAM stars Sophia Bush and Jason Isaacs in a drama about Dr. Sam Griffith, a gifted heart surgeon who excels in her new leadership role as chief of surgery after her renowned boss falls into a coma. When her former boss wakes up months later demanding to resume his duties, Sam is tasked with supervising this egotistical expert with a scalpel who never acknowledged her stellar talent. Complicating matters, the caustic and arrogant Dr. Rob “Griff” Griffith also happens to be her father. As Griff defies Sam’s authority and challenges her medical expertise, the big question becomes whether this father and daughter will ever be able to mend their own relationship as expertly as they heal the hearts of their patients. –
Pilot season is the busiest season in the industry that viewers never get to see. Pilot season is when pilots for the upcoming season are ordered, made, and then either “picked up,” i.e. made into a series, or scrapped.
Sophia Bush känd från bland annat One Tree Hill har landat en ny stor roll i den potentiella nya serien Good Sam. Väljer CBS att göra fler avsnitt blir det Sophias första huvudroll sedan hon valde att lämna Chicago P.D. 2017.
Dr. Paul ”Griff” Griffith, the genius chief of cardiothoracic surgery who falls into a months-long coma. He awakens to find that his daughter Sam (Bush), who he’d previously overlooked, has now assumed his position. He’ll need to swallow his pride and work as her subordinate if he intends to continue as a surgeon, a challenge that might considerably harder than his high-pressure occupation.
Sophia kommer få sällskap av Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter) men mycket mer än så är i dagsläget inte känt.