Set in an idyllic waterfront town in the Pacific Northwest, the next chapter of “Cruel Summer” follows the rise and fall of an intense teenage friendship. Approaching the story from three different timelines surrounding Y2K, the season twists and turns as it tracks the early friendship between Megan, Isabella and Megan’s best friend Luke, the love triangle that blossomed, and the mystery that would impact all of their lives going forward. –
Säsong 2 av Cruel Summer har premiär på Freeform den 5 juni.
Säsong 1 finns att se på Amazon Prime Video, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 2 kommer att visas där.
The cameras return as Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie invite viewers back into their lives as they navigate motherhood, coparenting, and building their own empires. Their bond will be tested and tensions arise, but as a family they will stand together through the storm. –YouTube
Säsong 3 av realityserien The Kardashians har premiär på Disney+ den 25 maj.
The series takes place across three distinct time periods: The Past (2009), The Present (2023 and 2025) and The Future (2034), and follows the lives and careers of a team of FBI recruits whilst focusing on the transformation of the U.S. criminal justice system, as it is altered by the rise of artificial intelligence. –Wikipedia
Miniserien Class of ’09 har premiär på FX on Hulu den 10 maj.
Secretary Miep Gies helps her Jewish employer Otto Frank, his family, and other Jewish refugees go into hiding during World War II after the German invasion of the Netherlands. –Wikipedia
Miniserien A Small Light har premiär på Disney+ den 2 maj.
Chronicles ordinary people getting caught up in extraordinary situations, where one wrong turn leads to another, until it’s too late to turn back. –Imdb
Accused hade premiär på FOX den 22 januari men får nu sin premiär på Viaplay den 10 april.