We intercepted an official synopsis of Intelligence season 2 from Sky, which reads as follows…
”At the end of the first series of Intelligence, we saw NSA agent Jerry Bernstein (David Schwimmer) narrowly avoid being extradited back to the States to face charges of treason. Indebted to his boss Christine (Sylvestra Le Touzel) for stepping in to protect him at the last minute — albeit with ulterior motives — we start Intelligence Season 2 with Jerry on the back foot. ”However when it’s revealed that the Russians have got their hands on a cyberweapon that Jerry was instrumental in developing, his intel suddenly becomes vital to national, if not international, security. Facing some demons from his past along the way, by the end of episode one he is firmly back in his alpha male comfort zone and heralded a hero. […] -Whattowatch.com
Säsong 2 av Intelligence har premiär på C More den 9 juli.