Chapter One Hundred Eighteen: Don’t Worry Darling
After coming together to stop Bailey’s comet, the gang find themselves transported back to a simpler time – Riverdale 1955. (säsong 7 avsnitt 1)
Chapter One Hundred Nineteen: Skip, Hop and Thump!
Riverdale High’s sock hop is around the corner and Archie has his sights set on taking Veronica to the dance. Betty is confused when Kevin appears uninterested in taking things to the next level with her. (säsong 7 avsnitt 2)
Chapter One Hundred Twenty: Sex Education
After a lesson in sex education leaves the gang more confused than ever, Veronica decides to organize a make-out party at the Pembrooke. Elsewhere, Jughead attempts to help Ethel out of some trouble only to find himself in hot water as well. (säsong 7 avsnitt 3)
Säsong 7 av Riverdale, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista, har premiär på Netflix den 29 mars.