EDIT 2: Nu finns säsong 3 att se på HBO Max

Last Year
Bette and Tina struggle to reconcile their past and future selves as Angie is dealt a shocking blow on her first day of college. Meanwhile, Shane adjusts to domestic life with Tess, and Alice questions what she wants in a partner. At the bungalow, Finley returns from rehab and works to pick up the pieces of the life she left behind with Sophie, while Dani and Micah take big swings with Gigi and Maribel. (säsong 3 avsnitt 1)
Los Angeles Traffic
Bette and Shane break new ground with Tina and Tess, respectively, but old habits come back to bite them. Sparks fly with Alice’s latest prospect until an unexpected revelation, while Angie heals her heartbreak with a new flame. Meanwhile, Finley competes for Maribel’s favor until Maribel drops a bomb about Sophie that threatens to tear them apart, and Dani puts hurt feelings aside for Gigi, but is it too late? (säsong 3 avsnitt 2)
Säsong 3 The L Word: Generation Q har premiär på HBO Max den 23 november.
EDIT: Säsong 3 hade premiär på HBO Max den 23 november i USA men inte i Sverige, håller utkik och återkommer med ett premiärdatum för svenskatittare när det blir bekräftat.