Dramathriller med Peaky Blinders-stjärnan Sophie Rundle, om en skicklig diplomatduo som ägnar dagarna åt att hjälpa brittiska medborgare i Barcelona. -C More
Diplomaten i Barcelona har premiär på C More den 29 juni.
Sergio hasn’t spoken since the day he murdered his parents. Six years later, a teen girl may be the key to revealing the whole story. –Imdb
Miniserien Muted (Orig: El silencio) har premiär på Netflix den 19 maj.
Dokumentärserie som följer Real Madrids anmärkningsvärda fotbollssäsong när de övervinner odds och tvivlare med stöd från sina ivriga fans. –Moviezine.se
Dokumentärserien Real Madrid: Until the End kommer bestå av 3 avsnitt och har sin premiär på Apple TV+ den 10 mars.
Set in a version of current-day Spain at the verge of societal collapse, the fiction follows Antonia, a reporter who accidentally unravels a decades-old plot concerning a super-agent created in the 1950s by the Francoist secret services, García, who is subsequently cryogenized. The latter, defrosted by Antonia, finds himself disoriented and confused in current-day Spain. –Imdb
¡García! har premiär på HBO Max den 28 oktober.
När pressen blir för stor för en ballerina i en ny huvudroll flyr hon och en annan dansös in i en vänskap som avskärmar dem från verkligheten. -Netflix
Filmen Dans på glas (Orig: Las niñas de cristal) har premiär på Netflix den 8 april.
Hugo Beltrán has managed to prove his innocence for the murder of Philip Norman, but the enemies he has made in the process have wanted to collect their debt.
A bomb in the Inferno has shattered the dreams of the Toy Boys and left Triana on the brink of death. And Hugo cannot allow the person responsible to get away with it. But who could it have been?
Although the wounds between the Rojas and the Medina remain open, It seems that for the moment they have buried the hatchet. Macarena has disappeared from the city to detoxify in a clinic for her addiction to sex, Commissioner Zapata has retired and Benigna is too busy trying to keep control of Medina-Rojas.
Everything points to the fact that Triana’s murderer is in the One Per Cent, a new luxury Striptease club in Marbella. So the Toy Boys start dancing there, eager to discover the truth. But El Turco and Rania, the italian brothers who run it, are not willing to let anyone uncover the secrets of their premises. –Toyboy.fandom.com
Säsong 2 av Toy Boy har premiär på Netflix den 11 februari.
”The gang has been shut in the Bank of Spain for over 100 hours. They have managed to rescue Lisbon, but their darkest moment is upon them after losing one of their own. The Professor has been captured by Sierra and, for the first time, doesn’t have an escape plan. Just when it seems like nothing else could go wrong, an enemy comes on the scene that is much more powerful than any they’ve faced: the army. The end of the greatest heist in history is approaching, and what began as a robbery will turn into a war,” the plot summary reads. –Oprahdaily.com
Sista säsongen av La Casa de Papel (Eng: Money Heist) kommer bestå av 10 avsnitt som kommer delas in i två delar. De fem första avsnitten har premiär på Netflix den 3 september och de resterande fem avsnitten har premiär den 3 december.