This episode takes place from March to July 2020, as the store deals with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Amy’s new job in California is forced to be postponed for the time being and she continues as store manager. After being called ”heroes”, Dina and Glenn try to get the customers’ approval of their assistance. As toilet paper and other essential products disappear from the shelves, Cheyenne and Sandra come up with a plan to hide products that they purchase later. (Säsong 6 avsnitt 1) –Wikipedia
As her last day at Cloud 9 lingers, Amy worries that Jonah wants to take their relationship to the next level with an engagement proposal after discovering a missing ring. Later on, the pair get into an argument stating they want different things, professionally and personally, and decide that Jonah is not moving. Meanwhile, with Amy leaving, Dina scrambles to find a new best friend. Also, newly reinstated store manager Glenn asks Mateo and Cheyenne to make a video collage of Amy’s time at Cloud 9.
Note: This episode was originally written as the preceding season’s finale, but aired this season because of production shutdown due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. (Säsong 6 avsnitt 2) –Wikipedia
Säsong 6 av Superstore (sändes i USA mellan oktober 2020-mars 2021), vilket även är seriens sista, har premiär på Netflix den 15 december.