The Beatles: Get Back is an upcoming three-part documentary series directed and produced by Peter Jackson. It covers the making of the Beatles’ 1970 album Let It Be, which had the working title of Get Back, and draws from material originally captured for Michael Lindsay-Hogg’s 1970 documentary of the album. Conceived originally as a feature film, each episode of The Beatles: Get Back is about two hours in length, making up a total of six hours.
Jackson characterised The Beatles: Get Back as ”a documentary about a documentary”.[2] Commentators have described it as challenging longtime beliefs that the making of Let It Be was marked entirely by tensions between the Beatles, showing a more upbeat side of the production. –Wikipedia
The Beatles: Get Back består av tre avsnitt och har premiär på Disney+ den 25 november, avsnitt 2 och 3 kommer 26 respektive 27 november.