The premiere of The Resident season 6 is going to be coming on Tuesday, September 20, and we know already that there’s huge stuff coming. Take, for starters, an emotional story involving Padma’s pregnancy that has been teased in a few previews already. Meanwhile, Conrad Hawkins will finally decide what he wants to do romantically, including who he wants to pursue between Billie and Cade. We know that there’s no guarantee that his choice in this moment means a perfect long-term relationship, but the writers are pretty clearly stating with this that they don’t want to do some sort of love triangle for most of the season. We know that the photo above shows Conrad and Cade, and we know that the latter is going to be around full-time for season 6. However, we’ve said for a while that Billie feels like the more likely choice and we’re sticking to that. Maybe it’s just because we’ve been invested in that character longer. […] –Cartermatt.com
Säsong 6 av The Resident har premiär på FOX den 20 september.
Säsongerna 1-5 finns att se på Disney+, oklart i skrivande stund om/när även säsong 6 kommer visas där.