The fifth season begins at a time of hard-won peace between the Danes and the Saxons, but Uhtred is ill at ease, and can’t help feeling that something ominous is looming towards his settlement — which leaves him worried for the safety of his people, and particularly his children.
”Uhtred started out in the first season as somebody who very much had his blinders on and was just out for himself,” says Alexander Dreymon. ”Season five is all about him putting out fires left and right, trying to protect his children and the people he loves, the people to whom he’s devoted. I’m very grateful that I’ve been able to play a character with such a human arc to him.”
Fearing that Brida is making good on her threat to return and destroy him, Uhtred prepares his troops for an impending attack — but Brida has other plans, and has set her sights on Eoferwic (modern-day York), where Stiorra and Sigtryggr are. The ramifications of this will be felt across the season, as Sigtryggr’s dark side emerges, tensions between Danes and Saxons threaten to spill into further violence, and Uhtred finds himself desperately trying to prevent a full-on war… –Whattowatch.com
Säsong 5 av The Last Kingdom, vilket även kommer bli seriens sista har premiär på Netflix den 9 mars.
Netflix has confirmed that season five will be the show’s last — but there will be a follow-up feature film called Seven Kings Must Die, which will tell one final story in Uhtred’s world. A release date has not been confirmed yet, but the movie is currently filming in Hungary, with a special on-set video posted on the show’s official Twitter account…